"One player,
One Conversation, One block, and
One community at a time."

Mindset of Champions was established in 2017
by a group of friends from
North Philadelphia as a creative way to
mentor students in their neighborhood.

The group noticed that gaming was a gateway to foster relationships with youth and move them to engage in serious conversations.

These would-be founders saw that while playing games with the youth, the conversations were an opportunity to have a meaningful, deep impact with each young person in an appropriate and relatable fashion.

Thus began the quest to create an organization that would mentor youth and young-adults in an environment where sharing past experiences and newfound strategies could lead a young person to success with better decision-making and coping skills.

"We are who we serve."

The mission and purpose of Mindset of Champions is to educate and expose people of color , from underserved and under-resourced communities to the vast career opportunities and higher learning pathways through the lenses of esports and entertainment technology.

Our Mission

"It is not enough to just level the playing field, we must also ensure that our communities can create a field of their own."

We believe that knowledge of technology and technology related careers are the optimal way to increase equity of resources amongst communities of color while also bridging the gap in the digital divide.

Our Impact

"We are a league of socially responsible corporations, boots on the ground organizations, and credible messengers that engage with young people who need it most."

Meet the village that prepares our youth for purpose.

Our Team

Join the movement.

Mindset of Champions specializes in teamwork and mission-based activities in its programs as an essential piece of obtaining the goal of offering youth and adults at risk for success, the opportunity to learn while building in their community.

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